Using Grammarly with VSCode
This page provides a simple yet effective trick to use Grammarly to check your Markdown files from VSCode. Follow these steps:
Note: You need to have the Grammarly web browser plugin installed and activated
for this to work.
- Open your Markdown file in VSCode.
- Copy all the Markdown content from your file.
- Paste the copied content into the input box below. See your theme highlighted copy over, too? How exciting!
- Grammarly will automatically start checking the text, and you can make corrections directly within the input box.
- Once you're done with the corrections, copy the updated Markdown from the input box.
- Paste the corrected Markdown back into your Markdown file in VSCode.
Use the input box below to paste and edit your Markdown content:
Copy the corrected text back to your Markdown file in VSCode once you're done.