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Building a Simple Snippet Editor and Previewer for Static Blogs

Published: Dec 23, 2023

Having an effective snippet editor and previewer for developers working on static blogs can streamline the coding process. Rather than constantly uploading changes to a live server, you can quickly preview your HTML, CSS, and JS in a straightforward interface.

This post will explore a basic implementation that allows editing and previewing snippets in the browser itself. While services exist to achieve this, many developers may seek to create custom solutions.

Examining the Code Structure

The provided code uses HTML, CSS, and JS to:

  1. Create an editor interface with buttons and textareas for code snippets
  2. Display a live preview in an iframe that compiles and renders the code

Some key elements:

  • Editor buttons to switch between HTML/CSS/JS
  • Textareas to write code
  • An iframe to display compiled results
  • A createCodeEditor function that handles setup

Setting Up the Editor Container

The createCodeEditor function handles creating the entire editor interface. It takes in code snippets and a target container ID.

For instance, invoking with:

createCodeEditor(htmlCode, cssCode, jsCode, 'target-container')

Styling for a Clean Design

Some CSS styles are provided for visual polish:

#editor-container {
	height: 20rem;

#editor-buttons button {
	margin: 5px;

#result-container {
	border: none;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;

This ensures a minimal viable editor with well-spaced buttons and an iframe filling the window.

Handy Editor Buttons

The editor features intuitively-labeled buttons:

  • HTML - Display HTML snippet editor
  • CSS - Display CSS snippet editor
  • JS - Display JavaScript snippet editor
  • Run - Compile all code and display in iframe

These allow easy navigation between different code sections.

Code Snippet Editors

The HTML, CSS, and JavaScript snippet editors are implemented as simple <textarea> elements with a common editor class.

Showing/hiding each one is handled by adding/removing a .display: none; style rule.

Live Preview with iframes

To preview compiled code, the script writes the HTML, CSS, and JS into a single HTML string. This gets written into an <iframe> to be rendered as a preview:

const resultHTML = &#96;<html>

The iframe provides an encapsulated view of how edited code would function together on a live page.

Usage Example

For his static blog, Jimmy could leverage this editor by providing starter code like:

This would give an editable starting point for continuing development while instantly viewing any changes.


In just over 60 lines of code, we built an easy snippet editor with live preview - no web server required! While basic, it demonstrates the key functionality to aid developers working on static sites.

Feel free to customize and enhance this code further for your own projects. We’d love to see what improvements or integrations you come up with, so please share your experiences!

Commonly Asked Questions

@ds What is an iframe in HTML? An iframe, or inline frame, is an HTML element that embeds another HTML page within the current page. It creates a window within the parent page to display content from another source, commonly used for embedding videos, advertisements, and interactive content. @ds What is an iframe in HTML? @ds What are the advantages and disadvantages of using iframes?

Iframe Advantages

  • Easy to embed content: Simple way to embed content from other sources without modifying the parent page’s code.
  • Content isolation: Iframes isolate embedded content, preventing interference with the parent page’s functionality.
  • Dynamic content: Can be used to embed dynamic content, such as live updates from social media feeds or stock tickers.

Iframe Disadvantages

  • Performance impact: Can add to the loading time, especially with large or complex content.

  • Accessibility concerns: May make it more challenging for screen readers and assistive technologies to access the page’s content.

  • Security vulnerabilities: Can be used to inject malicious scripts or code. @ds What are the advantages and disadvantages of using iframes? @ds Other Options for Snippet Editors with Live Preview A few online options offer more advanced features:

  • CodePen: Popular online code editor for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code with live preview.

  • JSFiddle: Another online code editor allowing you to write and preview HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.

  • Codeply: Web-based code editor with features like real-time editing and collaboration. @ds Other Options for Snippet Editors with Live Preview